Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 11 - Dar cosas al icalante

Instead of giving a thing to icalante when icalante is in location and icalante is siguiendote:
    if the noun is edible and noun is vegetal:
        say "El icalante olisquea [the noun] y... ¡se lo come de un bocado!";
        remove noun from play;
    otherwise if the noun is wearable and there is nothing worn by icalante:
        say "El icalante coge [the noun], le da un par de vueltas y... se lo pone.";
        if noun is sombrero:
            say "Está la mar de ridículo.";
        if noun is craneo_orco:
            say "¿Querrá aparentar ser un orco?";
        if noun is medallon:
            say "Casi no se ve con toda esa pelambrera que tiene.";
        say "El icalante coge [the noun] y carga con ell[o noun].";
        move noun to icalante.